Service Support Worker for 'BoB's World' in Ealing

Hi, my name is Graham and I'm very excited to be joining the BoB family as a Support Worker based in Ealing.

My own recovery started some 27 years ago following four detoxes and a three month spell in a residential rehab in Western-super-Mare, something I couldn't have achieved without mixing with like minded people. I've been an active member of AA ever since and have done voluntary work in the recovery field as well as being involved in group meetings.

I have first hand experience as to how difficult it can be to stop drinking and how important it is to have somewhere to go where you will be listened to in an understanding & non-judgemental way and encouraged to find other ways to deal with addictive behaviours.  

I am looking forward to getting to know my new colleagues and most importantly those who use the excellent services we offer in Ealing and elsewhere.

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 07858 306368